How to write ad copy that’s actually good

Promotr Posts

Words don’t come easy, even in writing ad copy. Why? The average person is exposed to 5,000 ads daily (1). This doesn’t take into consideration publications or posts related to marketing and advertising. Finding the right words to wow and woo is a massive challenge in marketing communications today.

In developing ads, it is important they do not land in the sea of sameness or junk. To complicate matters, it has been argued that re-targeting is creating fatigue and mistrust (2). With marketing personalisation a growing trend, it’s safe to assume people are being ‘over-advertised’ to. Striking a balance is increasingly more delicate.

Fortunately, there are steps businesses and brands can take to avoid it. As people and technology grow savvier in blocking ads, they need to raise the bar on ad quality to ensure their messages get through. It starts with the words you use and how you word them in your ad copy. In this article, we discuss the guidelines you can use in crafting a compelling ad copy to win more customers.

1. Headlines that solve a problem

Between a good and great ad are words that suggest to prospects how you solve their problem. People are time-poor and always in a hurry. In the digital age, it is immediate gratification we are looking for. Ads that go on and on without even hinting “what’s in it for me” will go unnoticed, regardless of how good the product or service is. A headline that reads “We’ll get you running again in 48 hours” versus one that reads “The athlete’s gell” is likely to stir more interest simply because as an athlete you’re probably looking for a quick recovery. It may matter little to you who else is using it.

2. Benefits sell, features tell

In line with the above, it is important your copy draws attention to the benefits of your product or service. A bookkeeper’s ad that is punctuated by benefits such as “more time to work on your sales drive”, “get the tax office off your back” or “no more missing receipts” is more engaging. It speaks right to the list of concerns businesses have with their books. Fact is, most businesses, especially small-medium sized ones, have little interest or knowledge in accounting and finance. But they acknowledge the importance of keeping them organised for compliance purposes as well as drive growth.

3. Pull the emotional triggers

Making a purchase decision is part functional, part emotional. The former requires the copy to talk about benefits and key features to appeal to the rational side of prospects. The latter, on the other hand, appeals to the hearts. Emotional triggers work even in the B2B space. For example, if you’re a business coach, copy that reads “the business coach every customer loves to have coffee with” can demonstrate the care and concern you demonstrate in clients’ overall well being, not just the business.

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