Here’s How Business Owners Can F*** Up Their Websites

business websites

Imagine you hear a business owner say: ‘It’s my website and I’ll do what I want with it!’ While trusting your instincts in often good in business, some of the beliefs and thoughts held by business owners can actually damage the success of their website.

While these thoughts and beliefs may be held in good faith, each can unintentionally damage the prospects of their company. So, let’s look at these three possible ‘beliefs’ and why they need to be corrected…

‘I’m going to tell people what I’m good at or proud of’

This comes from a natural pride in their business. It’s taken hard work and long hours, careful thought and detailed planning – and so much more – to get to where this business now is. There can be a desire to tell that story and show off the products and services created.

Here’s the problem, potential customers, to a greater or lesser degree, simply don’t care. They are more interested in an answer to one question: ‘What’s in it for me?’ The products or services – the company itself – needs to be shown as the solution to a problem, a positive way of improving, or a sure step into the future. Only once this is established, is the possible client going to show interest in the actual products and services.

‘I’m going to show off my expertise in the language I use’

How often do you see ‘experts’ on TV who simply confuse rather than clarify? They demonstrate their knowledge and insight, but only to those on the same wavelength. Technical explanations are offered, but without viewers having the specific dictionary that would explain all such jargon. Now, every business has such a language, but using it extensively on a website can put off the vast majority of potential customers who are not experts. Intimidated by brilliance, they are more likely to go elsewhere for what they need.

‘Everybody knows that – I don’t need to tell them’

Working inside a business, the owner, manager and others know how to get there, where to park, when they are open, what payments methods they accept. So, there’s no real need to mention such information is there? Therefore, potential customers don’t find the key details they want to progress to a sale or make contact. Equally, key information about products or services can be missed because of this assumption of knowledge in others.

How to avoid such ‘sins of omission’

Usually, the statements – and thought behind them – can be categorised under this heading. The problems caused are accidental rather than deliberate. One clear solution for this is to introduce ‘outside eyes’ into your affordable small business marketing and website development activities. Paired with your knowledge and expertise, such an outside intervention can help deliver the results needed to survive and thrive.

To find out how such a decision could help your business, contact our Promotr team of marketing experts for an obligation-free discussion…